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Dunstan Thompson: On the Life & Work of a Lost American Master


from Fringe
I can think of no series doing anything quite like this .... It is the Unsung Masters Series’ devotion to illuminating under-appreciated writers that makes it truly indispensable..    —Brian Nicolet

from The Gay & Lesbian Review… our era of manufactured celebrity, this book made me reconsider what it takes for an author to be remembered, how easy it is for writers to become lost to history, and the careful work that's require to help us to rediscover them.    —Jason Roush

from New Pages…
Dunstan Thompson: On the Life & Work of a Lost American Master is a stunning and appropriate first for an ambitious series.... With a fascinating biography, compelling essays, and poetry that will give you goose bumps, Dunstan Thompson is well worth the discovery.  

from Lambda Literary…
The schoolboy and soldier snapshots are a delight for the reader who’s already gotten a taste of Thompson’s elegant, ribald sensibility; the photo reproductions of pages from Thompson’s short-lived lit journal Vise Versa will give the reader a further taste of the kind of campy, envelope-pushing poems and reviews Thompson wrote—work that we hope will one day be republished in full, but, were it not for this new and valuable volume, might never have been known about at all.  —Brent Calderwood



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